Friday, July 20, 2007

On University Administration

I am constantly surprised by the level of bureaucracy in University administrative offices. This morning I submitted the paperwork to advance to candidacy for the PhD. One of my labmates heard me complaining about the $65 fee and claimed that he hadn't paid anything. Since he's in a different department, I went to our (new) departmental secretary (sorry, administrative assisstant) and asked if our department could also waive the fee. She refused. Then, I asked our lab's administrative assisstant if our advisor has ever been charged the fee. He also said no. So when I submitted my check to the Graduate Office, I asked if it was common to have this mismatch between departments. I was told that all students paid their own fee and my labmate must have slipped through the cracks. Not wanting to incriminate him, I let the subject drop. What gets me is that if didn't submit a check and just hoped I'd "slip through the cracks", I would instead be notified on graduation day that I hadn't fulfilled requirements and would be delayed a semester in receiving my degree. That's what happens to the chump (chumpette?) who actually reads these pesky forms.

1 comment:

Megan said...

Bah, that sucks! But on the bright side, congrats on being officially ABD!